83 percent of childbirth cesarean!

83 percent of childbirth cesarean!

83 percent of childbirth in private clinics and hospitals of the country is through caesarean. This information comes out in the latest survey on maternal and health care in ICDDRR and Bangladesh in the report. Child mortality, abnormal surgery, pregnancy-related health care, and many other reasons have also increased mother's death rate. But with the reduction of maternal mortality, the private hospitals and clinics of the hospital, including jail fines, warned that the hospitals should be closed if necessary.

There are 196 maternal deaths per 1 lakh in 2016. Between 2001 and 2016, the maternal mortality rate decreased from 3222 to 194, but in 2016, it increased again.

After the 2010 maternal mortality remained unchanged, it changed for several reasons. However, the discussion on how to reduce this rate comes in the discussion of mother mortality and healthcare survey organized in a city hotel in the capital.

The survey also said that currently there are about one million Caesarean operations in the year. In 2010, 12% of Caesarean operations increased abnormally in 316 cases, which were also identified as the reason for the increase in maternal mortality.

The news of the fear is that 83 percent of all delivery in private hospitals and clinics are cesarean operations.

The health minister said, "The commercial behavior of private hospitals will be stopped either way."

According to the survey, the quality of healthcare in the country is still not satisfactory. In view of increasing awareness, child marriage prevention, pregnancy, postpartum and postnatal mothersbase opportunities are possible to solve these problems gradually. Invited guests are invited to the event

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