Five lakh rupees coming out of the money!


 Five lakh rupees coming out of the money!

25 thousand taka is coming out from the ATM 500 taka. And if anyone wants to withdraw 5 thousand rupees coming out 50 thousand taka And if more money is taken out of the ATM or is coming out of half a million This is not a story, it is happening in reality. Such a strange incident happened in an ATM booth of Bank of India in Dighi, India.

It is learned that a tourist from the Bank of India bountifully came out of the booth to collect 50 thousand rupees. The bank authorities withdraw the excess money from the tourists after pulling them out. Authorities then went on to calculate the estimation that already millions of rupees were left out of the booth. According to the incident, the bank lost about 17 lakh rupees. Based on the information received from the ATM, Digha police started searching. It has been informed that the bank has recovered Tk 1.3 million from Tk 17 lakh in search of the search. Investigation is underway to recover the remaining money. About 27 customers took the money, said the bank authorities.

As a result of this incident, the bank authorities said the incident happened due to the error in the software.

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